A former bank manager who was dismissed after she was accused of being rude and threatening towards customers has been awarded £7,500 after it was deemed that she was wrongfully dismissed.
A former bank manager who was dismissed after she was accused of being rude and threatening towards customers has been awarded £7,500 after it was deemed that she was wrongfully dismissed.
Although many workers are dismissed for correct reasons, each year thousands attempt to take legal action following their dismissal with the case often leading to an employment tribunal.
A council worker has accused his employers of unfair dismissal after he felt that his employer was trying to “force him to quit” because of unnecessary pressure from his bosses.
Following a number of UK-wide legal challenges, the Scottish Government announced its intention to abolish employment tribunal fees in Scotland.
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) believe figures published by the Ministry of Justice, show that excessive tribunals fees are deterring the country's workforce from taking action against their employers.
A police officer has been awarded £440,000 by an employment tribunal after successfully claiming constructive dismissal from Gwent police, reports the Guardian.
The TUC has criticised new laws that will force employees to pay upfront fees if they want to pursue a sexual harassment or race discrimination complaint against their employer.
The Government has set out new protections for law-abiding businesses and further progress on Business Minister Michael Fallon’s war on pointless red tape in its latest six-monthly Statement of New Regulation.