A former NHS nurse is taking legal action against her employer, NHS Grampian, after claiming that she was forced to quit her job after a number of clashes with judges.
A former NHS nurse is taking legal action against her employer, NHS Grampian, after claiming that she was forced to quit her job after a number of clashes with judges.
The trade union, Unite, is considering taking legal action against Aberdeen City Council and its senior managers over “discriminatory practice”.
Following a number of UK-wide legal challenges, the Scottish Government announced its intention to abolish employment tribunal fees in Scotland.
Experts have warned that thousands more run the risk of losing their job in Aberdeen as a result of the oil crisis that has affected the prices of oil.
A deep-sea engineering firm are set to cut 410 jobs by the end of the year. The firm currently employs just under 2,000 workers in Aberdeen.
A settlement agreement (previously known as a compromise agreement) is where an individual agrees that they will not bring an employment claim against an employer in return for an agreed settlement.
Settlement Agreements - New Term for Compromise Agreements