Evidence suggests that companies are struggling to use older workers to their full potential, according to a survey from professional services company Towers Watson.
With a large rise in the number of people working beyond the traditional retirement age of 65, companies are having to work out how to structure their working environment to get the best out of this section of the workforce and take advantage of the skills and experience they have to offer.
However, as many as 59% are not making any progress in this area according to a survey of 100 senior HR professionals, and only half (50%) believe that their organisation understands the changing needs of employees across their professional lifecycle.
Yves Duhaldeborde, director of employee surveys at Towers Watson said, “The sharp increase in older workers has led to a large proportion of employees with over 40 years’ experience. With no default retirement age a significant proportion of the growing over-65 population will continue to want, or need, to work. These older workers can add huge value to organisations in terms of experience and skills but problems can arise when companies are ill-prepared to meet the needs of this group of workers, who may require more flexibility in their working life.”
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