Many employers have spoken of their concern at the number of holiday requests they have received with employees looking to take the day off for the Black Friday sales.
Many employers have spoken of their concern at the number of holiday requests they have received with employees looking to take the day off for the Black Friday sales.
Case One : Mr Jones works as an assistant to a Managing Director in an advertising firm. Due to the nature of his employment, he frequently has to stay late in order to finish or prepare work for the following day. In Mr Jones’ contract of employment, it states that once he has worked more than 40 hours in a week, he is entitled to be paid overtime – however, he has never been paid overtime. His employer refuses to pay Mr Jones the additional pay that he is entitled to. Mr Jones has submitted a formal grievance to his employer but still he is not being paid the money due to him. Provided that Mr Jones adheres to the time limit of three months for bringing a claim, Mr Jones can bring his case to the employment tribunal. In his claim he could ask to be paid all outstanding overtime owed to him.