"At the end of the season, I wanted to stay for four or five days with my brother before I flew to prepare for the World Cup with Ivory Coast... except that City did not want to give me a few days".
"At the end of the season, I wanted to stay for four or five days with my brother before I flew to prepare for the World Cup with Ivory Coast... except that City did not want to give me a few days".
The case of AB v Chief Constable has highlighted the potential risks involved for employers, should they say a little too much in a reference.
The Supreme Court has recently held in a case which centred on whistleblowing, that members of limited liability partnerships (LLPs) areconsidered 'workers' under the Employment Rights Act and thus are entitled to whistleblowing protections.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) will hear a case later this month, and in doing so, determine if obesity should be considered a disability under the Equality Act 2010.
Approximately half of employers (52%) are planning to recruit agency staff in the next quarter, whilst 48% aim to do so over the next four to twelve months, according a survey by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC).
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) believe figures published by the Ministry of Justice, show that excessive tribunals fees are deterring the country's workforce from taking action against their employers.
The Scottish Agricultural Wages Board (SAWB) has proposed a rise in the minimum wage rate for agricultural workers with views being sought on such by 27 June 2014.
A new report by the Women's Business Council has indicated that steps taken to help remove barriers to female success including, all employees being able to request flexible working, the shared parental leave system and the Tax Free Childcare scheme, are beginning to work. Maximising Women's Contribution to Future Economic Growth - One Year On highlights several encouraging signs for women's employment including:
Following the publication of Low Pay: The Nation's Challenge by Alan Buckle, which argues that the framework that governs how the minimum wage is set must change dramatically, that the minimum wage must evolve to address the new, broader problem of low pay and calls for an ambitious target to increase the minimum wage over the course of a Parliament, Frances O'Grady, TUC General Secretary commented:
In Lock v British Gas Trading Limited, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled those remunerated wholly or partly by way of commission are entitled to have this reflected in their holiday pay.
New data shows bonuses of company directors have fallen by 23% (from £64,594 to £49,767) over the last 12 months.
A new system was rolled out earlier this week requiring anyone with an employment dispute to first seek resolution before making an Employment Tribunal claim.
Powers are to be transferred to the Scottish Government that will allow it to lift a cap on the amount it's allowed to spend on mitigating the effects of the Bedroom Tax.
The Scottish government has announced two amendments to the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Bill that it claims strengthens its commitment to the living wage in Scotland.
An interim report published by the Scottish Affairs Parliamentary Committee has found there is much to be done to protect people on zero hours contracts in Scotland. Although it is recognised that zero hours contracts and other forms of casual labour can benefit workers and employers, the Committee finds that in the majority of cases zero hours contracts need not, and should not, be used at all.
Employers and employees are being hit hard by a growing impact on the workforce of caring for people with dementia, according to new research from Employers for Carers, the business forum of charity Carers UK
New research from the 30% Club on gender intelligent approaches to developing male and female corporate leaders has revealed a new slant on how women succeed at work.
The CIPD has recommended that the Government ban employers from using exclusivity clauses for zero hours contract workers unless they can demonstrate a compelling business reason for using them.
The European Commission has adopted a Recommendation asking Member States to improve pay transparency for women and men in a bid to help close the gender pay gap.
Five UK employers have been the first to be named and shamed for failing to pay their employees the correct National Minimum Wage.