The trade union, Unite, is considering taking legal action against Aberdeen City Council and its senior managers over “discriminatory practice”.
The matter comes regarding traffic wardens in the city and the uniform differences between male and female workers. During probabtionary periods, female traffic wardens are given soft hats before being offered a harder hat once they have finished their probation. Male workers on the other hand are immediately offered a hard hat once they start working.
Unite have since threatened legal action with the Aberdeen city council not commenting on whether or not they would end the practice, which many see as discriminatory.
An Aberdeen City Council spokesman said: “All City Wardens are provided a made to measure hat as part of their standard uniform.
“Temporary soft hats are provided to both male and female staff until their new hats arrive. We are aware that our supplier has recently changed the design of the female hat internally which was causing some discomfort.
“Staff have been given the choice to continue to wear the softer style hat while alternatives are considered. We continue to work closely with our Trade Union colleagues to find an agreeable solution.”
Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
Although there have been many steps taken to try and reduce the amount of gender inequality in the workplace with new incentives for employers and wages and bonuses to be published for all members of staff gender discrimination in the workplace is still a major issue in the UK. Sadly, discrimination occurs for a number of a reasons as well as gender. Often employees are discriminated or harassed due to the age, race, and even sexual orientation as well as gender.
While you may inform your employer of any issue, you have in the workplace if they fail to act or resolve the problem then you could take legal action. If you have been overlooked for a promotion, have been underpaid or have been treated differently in the workplace as a result of your gender you will be able to take legal action.
What do I need to do to make a Discrimination Claim?
To make a gender discrimination claim, you must successfully be able to show that you were discriminated against in the workplace due to your gender, age or race. This can be done by providing proof of the discrimination or mistreatment in the workplace. Emails, voicemails, and even witness statements can be used to show discrimination in the workplace. Due to the nature of discrimination claims, many are resolved outside of court through settlement agreements. Settlement agreements can be beneficial to both parties and is an agreement to resolve a dispute in exchange for a cash settlement. While such an offering can be beneficial it is important that you get the compensation or settlement you deserve, therefore it is highly advisable to enlist the help of a solicitor. Our team of expert employment lawyers will be able to use their experience and knowledge to give an estimate of what you should be entitled to, ensuring that you are not undersold compensation.
Discrimination Employment Lawyers Abderdeen: Contact Us
If you have been discriminated against in the workplace or if you have suffered harassment in the workplace due to your gender, age or race, our team of expert solicitors can get you the compensation you deserve. Contact our team of employment specialists today using our online contact form.