The number of people in Aberdeen and across the UK obtaining the living wage has fallen with the number of workers who are not obtaining the living wage growing.
According to the Office for National Statistics said six million workers in Britain are paid under the hourly rate, which is calculated in comparison to the cost of living. Statistics showed that outside of London one in four jobs paid below the minimum wage. 23% of jobs outside the capital paid less than the living wage, with some areas in Scotland being the worst affected.
Experts criticised the government for not trying to implement the Living Wage or try and incentivise employers from offering it, despite an increase in the National Minimum Wage this year. Experts also stated that the number of people that will not be obtaining the wage will be higher with the study from the Office of National Statistics not including workers under the age of 18 or any apprentices.
Low Paying Jobs “Growing.”
According to the study the number of low paid roles in the UK were growing, however not paying the living wage is not illegal with the pay scheme being voluntary, which is different from the national minimum wage, which stands at £6.70 an hour.
However despite calls for more employers to pay the living wage or a higher than minimum wage salary, some have stated that the increase in wages has a serious effect on the UK economy and job market. According to a study from the REC the increase of the minimum wage and pressure to pay the living wage has put pressure on jobs, with the number of people getting hired on a permanent basis hitting the lowest rate last month since early 2013. REC chief executive Kevin Green said the introduction of the higher minimum wage from April next year was causing companies in some sectors to think about investing more in automation.
"This might have a positive impact on UK productivity, but it could also put the brakes on employment growth," he said.
A spokesman for the Living Wage Foundation said: "Despite significant progress in many sectors, more jobs than ever are below the voluntary living wage rates that we recommend.
"These figures demonstrate that while the economy may be recovering as a whole, there is a real problem with ensuring everyone benefits, and low pay in still prevalent in Britain today."
Underpayment: The Minimum Wage
While it is not illegal to be paid under the living wage, it is to underpay the minimum wage, which sadly still occurs for many workers in the UK. If you believe you are being underpaid in your place of work, if you wish to make a wage loss claim, or if you have been unfairly dismissed for stating that you are not being paid the minimum wage, you will be able to take legal action.
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If you require advice regarding any employment matter, whether it be payment of the minimum wage or harassment or discrimination in the workplace, get in touch with our solicitors today using our online contact form.